Inspiration for Life's Journey

Life is short and things happen to get us down. How do we find the inspiration we need to live life to the max?

I'm Denise Clark

Hi, I’m Denise Clark and I have a passion for helping people find inspiration through meaningful crafts, thoughful relfections, and finding ways to keep having faith.

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Daily Inspirations for your everyday journey of faith. Follow my blog and share your story of hope and inspiration.

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Why this blog?

Why this blog?

Hello and welcome to my very first day in the “blogging” world! I would like to share why I feel led to start a blog. Today marks the anniversary of the day I said good bye to my son Kenny… For our Country...We stood as ONE as we all grieved for so much on “9-11”....

About Me

About Me

I was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida moved to Maine in 1986. I’ll tell that story later in my blog! However I was a city girl turned country bumpkin with all the perks of having 3 children, and ending up homeschooling them while self learning sewing, crafting, cooking and canning!  I was always into homemade something always eager to learn and teach about anything I could get my hands on! I belonged to a small church community where the “elders” (ladies older and wiser than me at the time ) would lend their talents to us new parents and eager learners! and now through the years have taken my talents and lend them to anyone who needs a bit of inspiration!  I’m married to a very supportive warm loving man and now  have one grandson who calls me “nonnie” and steals my heart! I have 2 daughters, one married to a wonderful son-in-law and my other daughter who is still working full time and figuring things out!  I also have a stepson who is now married to an amazing daughter-in-law and have a four legged furbaby! We live in a small town in southern Maine and look forward to every opportunity to grow and shine on this little thing I like to call Life’s Journey! -Denise Clark